The Long Quest is Over!

A little bit further, and she is back to to the healer. She pounds on the door. When the healer opens it, Andrea gives her the plant. The healer looks surprised. “I didn’t think that you would make it, let alone bring me the correct plant. Come in and sit; this won’t take long.” Andrea enters the hut and sits. A moment latter she feels herself being shaken. “Don’t fall asleep now, fool, take this potion home and give it to Elly. Quickly!”

Andrea rushes home and wakes up Elly long enough to ladle the potion down this throat; she immediately falls back asleep. Exhausted herself, she falls asleep on the floor; she sleeps peacefully, with a smile on her face. The next day, she builds an altar to you out of gratitude.

Where do you want to go from here?

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